Advertising, Circulation Manager: Stuart Patterson
Circulation Assistant: Bernard Mears
Subscriptions, Classified Ads: Maggie Donovan
Admin Assistant, Listing, and Box Replies: Catherine Hiscox General Assistant: Jack Edwards
Regular Contributors: Peter Burton, Barry Conley, Laurence Collinson, Elizabeth Cornu, Brian Dax, Ian Dunn (Scottish Correspondent), Andy Dvosin (New York Correspondent), Iain Finlayson, Jackie Forster, Peter Forster, David Hart, Veronica Harvey, Mike Heberden, Carl Hill, Derek James, Howard Llewellyn, Leo Madigan, Phil McNeill, ‘Merlin’, John Montgomery, John Riley, Kurt Schiller (Swedish Correspondent), Richard Thomson (Portsmouth & District Correspondent), Bruce Wainwright, Pete Wicker, and Joseph Winter.
It’s illegal for men to dance together, as Tricky Dicky found out when, in an efficient and entirely rational use of police time, two plain clothes policemen infiltrated one of his discos. The Biograph cinema has raised its prices from 28p to 35p, but also banned filmgoers from wandering the aisles looking for, erm, better seats.
In the previous edition, the paper reported on the launch of a Gay Switchboard in Northern Ireland. In this edition, they have discovered that the person claiming to have set it up has a history of mental health problems, throwing the whole thing into doubt. (p6)
“The men appeared to be effeminate.” Asked what he [Metropolitan Police Sergeant John Sherrin] meant by effeminate, he told the court that they were wearing perfume and tight-fitting clothes. – p3