Contributing Editor (Features) and Typesetting: Rictor Norton
Art Director: Jean-Claude Thevenin
Art Assistant: Glen Platts
Advertising/Circulation Manager: Bernard Mears
Business Manager: Stuart Patterson
Admin Assistant, Subscriptions, Box Replies, Listings: Anne Elizabeth
Regular Contributors: Sean Aubrey (Brighton & District Correspondent), Peter Burton, Denis Cohn, Barry Conley, Elizabeth Cornu, Brian Dax, Ian Dunn (Scottish Correspondent), Iain Finlayson, Jackie Forster, Veronica Harvey, Mike Heberden, Sebastian Helmore, Carl Hill, Howard Llewellyn (Cardiff & District Correspondent), ‘Merlin’, John Montgomery, Barry Nonweiler, Rictor Norton, John Riley, David Seligman, Richard Thomson (Portsmouth & District Correspondent) and Pete Wicker.
The GLF squat in Brixton is opening up for meetings and discos. Police in Glamorgan want our help in finding the murderer of gay man in Barry and understand why we won’t come forward to help them. Willie Whitelaw comes out for an equal age of consent.
Reviews include the book Staying on Alone, the letters of Alice B Toklas, edited by Edward Burns. Flowers: A Pantomime for Jean Genet is on at the Regent. Zardoz is in cinemas. The OST of The Way We Were is out as an LP.
Call Me A Queen Will You? POW! – SOUTHAMPTON: A 41-year-old stevedore knocked out his postman when the mail-carrier implied he was gay… The Post Office has not delivered mail to [his] address since the affair. – page 20