Admin Assistant, Subscriptions, Box Replies, Listings: Anne Elizabeth
Typesetting, Art Assistant: Sandi Rutenberg
Art Assistant: Glen Platts
Regular Contributors: Sean Aubrey, Barry Conley, Denis Cohn, Brian Dax, Richard Thomson, Iain Finlayson, Jackie Forster, John Gough, Carl Hill, Howard Llewellyn, John Montgomery, Rictor Norton, David Seligman, Pete Wicker and Ian Dunn (Scottish correspondent)
Gay Switchboard is ready to come online (it still exists: 0800 0119 100). Despite being found not to be obscene, the police took the opportunity of destroying half of the stock of the book Street Boy Swinging London. The Coleherne was raided yet again, with no reason being given. Don’t call the Post Office’s directory enquiries service to ask for the telephone number of Gay News: they’ll hang up on you.
Reviews include Brief Lives at the Mayfair and Section Nine at the Aldwych, Lulu singing The Man Who Sold the World, and The Pointer Sisters in concert.
Ohmygosh, Look At Me! – DELMAR, California: Gay men are more likely to be dissatisfied with their bodies and cock-size than heterosexual men, according to a reader-survey by the magazine Psychology Today. The survey found that 55 per cent of all men and 45 per cent of all women were quite satisfied if not extremely satisfied, with their bodies in general face, arms, voice, abdomen, weight and so forth. But, whereas 33 per cent of straight men gave their bodies an above-average score, only 25 per cent of gay men did so. Further, 45 per cent of gay men had low, below-average images of their penises on a two-item measure: satisfaction with sex organ size and appearance of genitals. Only 25 per cent of het males gave themselves below-average ratings. – page 20