Regular Contributors: Peter Burton, Barry Conley, Elizabeth Cornu, Brian Dax, Ian Dunn (Scottish Correspondent), Andy Dvosin (New York Correspondent), Iain Finlayson, Jackie Forster, Veronica Harvey, Mike Heberden, Carl Hill, Derek James, Howard Llewellyn (Cardiff & District Correspondent), Leo Madigan, ‘Merlin’, John Montgomery, John Riley, Kurt Schiller (Swedish Correspondent), David Seligman, Richard Thomson (Portsmouth & District Correspondent), and Pete Wicker.
Sixty LGBT+ people storm a conference of doctors who are discussing the “problem” of homosexual without including us. Tunbridge Wells still won’t lets CHE sponsor at piano recital. The Granada documentary about so-called “aversion therapy”, Joe, turned out to be very much in favour of it, to CHE’s horror. The Home Office says that the 1967 Sexual Offences Act, which partially decriminalised male homosexuality over the age of 21, is still too new for them to review its operation.
Reviews include Cavafy: A Critical Biography by Robert Liddell, The Trials of Oscar Wilde at the Oxford Playhouse, and The Best of Harpers Bizarre on LP.
Explaining that she was speaking against the “perverted sex and subversion” in Gay News, [Tory Councillor Nora Buckley said] “We wouldn’t put down poison food for our children, and I don’t think we should have poisoned literature in our libraries.” – page 3