- Issue #41
- 15p
- 20 pages
- 28 February – 13 March 1974
- William Beckford «As Much A Martyr As Wilde»
- Editor: Denis Lemon
- News Editor: Michael Mason
- Reporter-at-Large: Bill Lemmer
- Contributing Editor (Features): Roger Baker
- Art Director: Jean-Claude Thevenin
- Advertising/Circulation Manager: Peter Mundy
- Business Manager: Stuart Patterson
- Admin Assistant, Subscriptions, Box Replies, Listings: Anne Elizabeth
- Typesetting, Art Assistant: Sandi Rutenberg
- Art Assistant: Glen Platts
- Regular Contributors: Sean Aubrey, Barry Conley, Denis Cohn, Brian Dax, Richard Thomson, Iain Finlayson, Jackie Forster, John Gough, Carl Hill, Howard Llewellyn, John Montgomery, Rictor Norton, David Seligman, Pete Wicker and Ian Dunn (Scottish correspondent)
- Edward Heath has called the “Who Governs Britain?” general election. The Tories rudely refuse to talk to Gay News, the Liberals politely refuse to talk to Gay News, and Labour waffle on talking to Gay News. Oddly, on the age of consent, the Communists don’t want to talk about it, but the fascist National Front want to equalise it at 16, presumably just before they herd us into the camps. Meanwhile, a mixed pub is found to be charging gays more than hets, and CHE’s magazine Lunch has been privatised.
- Reviews include the book Stargazer – Andy Warhol & His Films by Stephen Koch, the NFT’s 50 years of Warner Bros. season, Chez Nous at the Globe and the single Rebel Rebel by David Bowie.
- There’s a gay-friendly pub in the village of Upperthong in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Also there’s a village called Upperthong in the West Riding of Yorkshire. – page 16