- Issue #48
- 15p
- 20 pages
- 6-19 June 1974
- Editor: Denis Lemon
- News Editor: Michael Mason
- Reporter at Large: Jeff Grace
- Contributing Editor (Features): Roger Baker
- Contributing Editor (Features) and Typesetting: Rictor Norton
- Art Director: Jean-Claude Thevenin
- Art Assistant: Glen Platts
- Advertising/Circulation Manager: Bernard Mears
- Business Manager: Stuart Patterson
- Subscriptions, Classified Ads and Box Replies: Maggie Donovan
- Admin Assistant, Listings: Catherine Hiscox
- Regular Contributors: Sean Aubrey (Brighton & District Correspondent), Peter Burton, Denis Cohn, Barry Conley, Elizabeth Cornu, Brian Dax, Ian Dunn (Scottish Correspondent), Iain T Finlayson, Jackie Forster, Veronica Harvey, Mike Heberden, Sebastian Helmore, Carl Hill, Howard Llewellyn (Cardiff & District Correspondent), ‘Merlin’, John Montgomery, Barry Nonweiler, John Riley, David Seligman, Richard Thomson (Portsmouth & District Correspondent), Richard Webster (Cumbria Correspondent) and Pete Wicker.
- CHE’s big conference at Malvern dominates the news. “This has been one of the most stimulating events I’ve ever been a part of, and may I offer my sincerest thanks to the conference’s organisers and the 750 delegates for making me extremely proud and glad to be gay. Whatever our affiliations, we must go on from Malvern and never look back.”
- Reviews include the booklet With Downcast Gays, at the National there’s Next of Kin, and at the cinema is The Best of Benny Hill.
New faces: ‘Joining GN’s editorial team as our reporter-at-large is Jeff Grace. Originally from Cornwall, Jeff has had various occupations during his 18 months in London, but previously he worked in a journalistic capacity on the Cornish & Devon Post for six years. Jeff now lives in Queens Park and recently celebrated his 25th birthday. Commenting on why he wanted to work with us, Jeff explained: “After a lay-off from journalism for about two years, I welcomed the opportunity to join a paper in which I could have a personal interest. And I wanted to be a part of a paper that has become a leader in its field.”‘
- Now… call me Ms – LONDON: The Foreign Office has finally come into line with Gay News policy, with their recent decision to allow the title Ms on passports. This decision comes only a month after an earlier Government ruling that women must call themselves either ‘Miss’ or ‘Mrs’. Women’s Liberation campaigner, Ms Julia Tant, said after the decision: “This will put us on an equal footing with men, whose title Mr does not denote whether they are single or married. Now no Government department can ban the title Ms.” – page 20