Lone volunteer keeps lines open in blast aftermath…
Howarth Penny resigns
Beeb – Ban rumour
‘Long live Queen James!’
Night Shift Blues
Gay movie season
Editor: Denis Lemon
News Editor: Michael Mason
Reporter at Large: Jeff Grace
Contributing Editor (Features): Roger Baker
Research Editor: Rictor Norton
Art Director: Jean-Claude Thevenin
Art Assistant: Glen Platts
Advertising, Circulation Manager: Stuart Patterson
Circulation Assistant: Bernard Mears
Subscriptions, Classified Ads: Maggie Donovan
Admin Assistant, Listing, and Box Replies: Catherine Hiscox General Assistant: Jack Edwards
Regular Contributors: Peter Burton, Barry Conley, Laurence Collinson, Elizabeth Cornu, Brian Dax, Ian Dunn (Scottish Correspondent), Andy Dvosin (New York Correspondent), Iain Finlayson, Jackie Forster, Peter Forster, David Hart, Veronica Harvey, Mike Heberden, Carl Hill, Derek James, Howard Llewellyn, Leo Madigan, Phil McNeill, ‘Merlin’, John Montgomery, John Riley, Kurt Schiller (Swedish Correspondent), Richard Thomson (Portsmouth & District Correspondent), Bruce Wainwright, Pete Wicker, and Joseph Winter.
The IRA’s campaign on the mainland impacts on Switchboard as a pillarbox bomb explodes nearby. The general secretary of CHE resigns after a year in post. GLF object to the art film It Is Not The Homosexual Who Is Perverse But The Situation In Which He Lives so much they have stolen the director’s only copy.
Reviews include The Boys by Henry de Montherlant and Peter Straker in concert.
Twopenny cottage PORTSMOUTH: Two men were convicted at Portsmouth Crown Court recently on a joint charge of committing an act of “gross indecency”. The names, the sentences, are irrelevant. The interesting point about this case is where the “offence” took place … In a telephone box! – p4