Undated. Approximate publication date: 21 May 1973
The Dilly Boys: Fact Or Fiction?
New York Gays Terrorized
Are You A Black Widow? See Page 11
Joint Editors and Members of the Editorial Collective: Jean-Claude Thevenin (Design), John Yap (Design Assistant), Peter Holmes, Denis Lemon, Peter Mundy, Mike Mason, David Seligman
and Ian Dunn (Scotland), Glenys Parry (Manchester), Graham Chapman, David Sherlock.
Gay News special friends: Roger Baker, Denis Cohn, Barry Conley, Laurence Collinson, Brian Dax, Simon Benson, Antony Grey, Peter MacMillan, Manus Sasonkin, Martin Slavin, Bernard Searey, Rebecca John, David Hart, Tim Morris Derek Jardine, Christopher Ambury and Richard Watkins, Richard Adams, Brian Taylor, Maxie Bacon, Toni Ranz
Special thanks to: Richard & Norman, Ken & Allan, Angus, John, Stanley, Peter, Anthony, David, Ken, Wolf and all the other Friends and Loved Ones.
It appears that a serial killer is at large in New York’s Greenwich Village. If so, the police are disinterested. Plus ça change. Lord Denning at the Appeal Court cleared ATV’s Warhol documentary – banned by a judge who hadn’t seen it – to go out on ITV, but laid the boot in anyway: it was dreary and dull and appealed only to perverts and homosexuals. Reviews include The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie and Merman Sings Merman.
“Contrary to gossip, he is not lonely nor oppressed by his mother. His taste is controlled, even demure… He is not a homosexual…” – Tony Palmer writing about Liberace in The Observer.