Undated. Approximate publication date: 10 January 1973
More Personal Ads Than Ever
Gay Sister Freed
Of Men And Little Boys – The Article That Shocked Canada
Joint Editors and Members of the Editorial Collective: Richard Adams (Design); Peter Holmes; Denis Lemon; Peter Mundy; David Seligman; and Ian Dunn (Scotland); Glenys Parry (Manchester); Graham Chapman; David Sherlock.
Gay News special friends: Roger Baker; Denis Cohn; Barry Conley; Lawrence Collinson; Brian Dax; Martin Grant; Antony Grey; Peter MacMillan; Manus Sasonkin; Martin Slavin; Bernard Searey; Rebecca John; David Hart; Christopher Ambury and Richard Watkins.
Special thanks to: Richard & Norman; Ken & Allan; Angus; John; Stanley; Peter; Anthony; David; Ken; Wolf and all the other Friends and Loved Ones.
The editorial is a rather angry plea for money – the paper is suffering, and the staff are trying to live on £15 a week (about £200 now, allowing for inflation). In the news is the closure of the alternative bookshop Agitprop; the new chairman of the BBC is to be the homophobic Sir Michael Swann; and the UK’s entry into the Common Market makes us all Euro Gays, so what does 1973 have in store for us? Reviews include The Honoured Society by Norman Lewis and Play It Again Sam.
Please see the Project’s policy on censorship. This edition has been censored by us in three places: the cover image and two photographs on page 7. Whilst we don’t, per se, believe the pictures to be pornographic, the models were clearly underage and deserve to have their identities hidden.