Gay News Special Friends: Roger Baker, Barry Conley, Denis Cohn, Anna Raeburn, Laurence Collinson, Graham Chapman, Brian Dax, Antony Grey, Manus Sasonkin, Tim Skinner, David Seligman, Grant Dowling, Pete Wicker, Bernard Searey, David Sherlock, David Hart, Maxie Bacon, Carl Hill, Howard Llewellyn, and Ian Dunn (Scottish correspondent)
Special Thanks To: Richard & Norman, Ken & Allan, David & Anthony, Peter & Adrian, Peter, Eric, Ken, David, Richard, Jim, and all the other Friends and Loved Ones.
The government is to propose a sex discrimination act which, the paper fears, will lock down the 1967 Sexual Offences Act even further. Tony Blackburn on BBC Radio 1 reads out a letter that mentions a someone who is “a real man, not just a big poof”. Meanwhile, BBC Radio 3 runs a balanced programme explaining homosexuality to listeners. Sticking with TV, Alan Whicker’s Yorkshire Television programme The Lord is my Shepherd and He Knows I’m Gay has just aired. You can now get it on DVD. Back at the Beeb, HM Customs have seized two sprips of film showing gay couples doing it as part of a sex education programme the Corporation may be running. The BBC hasn’t asked for the films back. Reviews include Absurd Person Singular at the Criterion and Scorpio starring Alan Delon.
“I don’t ordinarily do this sort of thing but… Bi, Boy-Man intellectual 21, genuinely and urgently needs to raise substantial capital for finance of private studies (academic!) I’ll do anything legal, as the saying goes. With a heigh-nonny-no. Box 33/105″ – page 22