Undated. Approximate publication date: 1 December 1972
Censorship & Gay Papers
Gay DJ Speaks Out
Andy ‘Flesh’ Warhol
Rising Sauna Land
Unknown Gay Dead
Joint Editors and Members of the Editorial Collective: Richard Adams (Design); Martin Corbett; Ian Dunn (Scotland); Charlotte Corday; Bob Fletcher; Julian D. Grinspoon; Peter Holmes; David Hart; Denis Lemon; Alastair MacDougall; Glenys Parry (Manchester); Suki J. Pitcher; Clive Kennard; David Seligman; Julie Frost; and Graham Chapman; David Sherlock.
Gay News special friends: Roger Baker; Denis Cohn; Barry Conley; Lawrence Collinson; Brian Dax; Martin Grant; Antony Grey; Peter MacMillan; Manus Sasonkin; Martin Slavin and Christopher Ambury.
Special thanks to: Richard & Norman; Ken & Allan; Angus; John; Stanley; Peter; Anthony; David; Ken; Wolf and all the other Friends and Loved Ones.Joint
This fortnight’s news includes CHE and the London Homophile Society deciding that it’s high time LGBT+ relationships were included in school lessons. CHE managed to slip a triangular wreath made up of pink carnations on to the Cenotaph at the end of the Remembrance Sunday commemorations. Manchester police nabbed a man for pissing in a canal, accusing him of actually tossing off another man who was quite some distance away. The magistrates had thought it serious enough to go to the Crown Court. The jury threw the case out immediately. The main interview is with Richard Scanes, otherwise known as the disco operator Tricky Dicky. Reviews include The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds starring Shelia Hancock and Steven Spielberg’s Duel.
The original owner of this copy of the newspaper, who may or may not be this Project’s editor’s husband, has marked two personal ads for following up.
Young guy (23) – London, mildly masochistic, seeks friends under thirty. Photo preferred. Box 554.
Two Yorkshire young gay guys would like to meet singles or another two guys for mutual pleasure. Photos appreciated. Box 528.