Undated. Approximate publication date: 1 November 1972
Gay House Rock
The World Of John Montgomery
Vassall Comes Out
Hollywood Revisited
Joint Editors and Members of the Editorial Collective: Richard Adams (Design); Martin Corbett; Ian Dunn (Scotland); Charlotte Corday; Bob Fletcher; Julian D. Grinspoon; Peter Holmes; Denis Lemon; Alastair MacDougall; Glenys Parry (Manchester); Suki J. Pitcher; Clive Kennard; David Seligman; Julie Frost; and Graham Chapman; David Sherlock
Gay News special friends: Roger Baker; Denis Cohn; Barry Conley; Lawrence Collinson; Brian Dax; Martin Grant; Antony Grey; Peter MacMillan; Suki J. Pitcher; Manus Sasonkin;
Special thanks to: Richard & Norman; Ken & Allan; Angus; John; Stanley; Peter; Anthony; David; Ken; Wolf and all the other Friends and Loved Ones.
On the cover, a still from the film Fortune and Men’s Eyes is used to illustrate a feature on gay prisoners in UK prisons. Doug Pollard has left Gay News for a better paying job and has disappeared from the colophon. The paper has asked Selfridges of Oxford Street to stock the publication; their reply is a shocked no and a ban from quoting them. The letter is printed in full. Reviews include The Assassination of Trotsky and Diana Ross Greatest Hits.
Your Letters: “Please note that any letters received by us at Gay News unless you state otherwise.”
The picture of a nude male is mis-credited and will be subject of a correction in a later edition, which also points out that the model is very much over the age of 21.
Het of the month: Mrs Dorothea Woodward Fisher. Thanks to Simon Goddard for working it out.