Undated. Approximate publication date: 14 November 1972
Drag Artist Reveals All
Julian’s New Column
Forced To Resign – Teacher
Full Personal Ad Service
Psychiatry – Shock Report
Joint Editors and Members of the Editorial Collective: Richard Adams (Design); Martin Corbett; Ian Dunn (Scotland); Charlotte Corday; Bob Fletcher; Julian D. Grinspoon; Peter Holmes; David Hart; Denis Lemon; Alastair MacDougall; Glenys Parry (Manchester); Suki J. Pitcher; Clive Kennard; David Seligman; Julie Frost; and Graham Chapman; David Sherlock
Gay News special friends: Roger Baker; Denis Cohn; Brian Conley; Lawrence Collinson; Brian Dax; Martin Grant; Antony Grey; Peter MacMillan; Manus Sasonkin; Martin Slavin; and Christopher Ambury.
Special thanks to: Richard & Norman; Ken & Allan; Angus; John; Stanley; Peter; Anthony; David; Ken; Wolf and all the other Friends and Loved Ones.
The star of this issue is an interview with Rex Jamieson, otherwise known as Mrs Shufflewick. Gay News begins a long-running feud with J Martin Stafford of CHE, who, it alleges, had tried to get the paper prosecuted for their treatment of the awful Lord Longford. A teacher is sacked for being gay by his public school – perfectly legally. 30 GLF campaigners tried to march through Brighton, but were diverted by police. Reviews include Hulla Baloo and The Unrecorded Life of Oscar Wilde by Rupert Croft-Cooke.
Julie Frost, one of the GN editors and members of the paper’s editorial collective was stopped and questioned by Chelsea police, who after asking him for his name and address, took a ‘Glad to be Gay’ badge away, calling it an “offensive weapon”. – page 6